Behold a showing of the gothic visuals created for Tamar-kali’s Melanc'Holy Ghosts and Other Mothers, performed @harlemstage, October 28-29, 2022.

The performance was a part of "Song Cycles," a first-ever collaboration between Harlem Stage and Beth Morrison Projects, featuring visionary women, non-binary composers, and musicians.

Published between 1920 and 1926 on the heels of the United States' ratification of women's right to vote, poems by Lola Ridge, Gwendolyn Bennet, and Jessie Redmond Fauset stand out in their stark beauty, reflecting a range of contemplation and emotion not commonly associated with the "fairer sex" during this period. Fierce, deep, and full of dark complexities, they are fertile ground for Academy Award-winning musician and composer Tamar-kali's post-punk and contemporary classical-intertwining compositional style.